Sunday, May 31, 2009


It's official, the girls know! They've known for a couple of weeks now, but I've been slow to post any new info. So much has been going on, I don't know where to start. But this is the fun stuff!

  • Maid of Honor: Renee Francisco -a childhood friend, Renee and I have been through a lot together over the years. We have known each other since the age of 7. I have vivid memories of doing cartwheels in her front yard, taking the bus to school, high school dances, and drunken college nights. She's most like me, and most different from me and I wouldn't want it any other way.
  • Bridesmaid: Tram Dang -cousin. She's my right side of the brain. Tram is the yin to my yang. She's amazingly talented in everything she does. She has this creativity that can't be matched. I'm always so impressed and amazed by the things she does. If I only had half of the talent she did... I love her and proud of all of her accomplishments. She's going to be helping me plan this wedding, all while getting her PHYSICS! My geeky hero!
  • Bridesmaid: Raquel Sabino -high school friend. Raquel and I knew of each other for quite some time now, but we didn't get close until high school and college. Raquel is the smart, level-headed one of the bunch, by far the one with the biggest heart. I can always count on Raquel to say all the right things at all the right times. I also love that she is a hopeless romantic -she'll definitely be a tremendous asset to the wedding!
  • Bridesmaid: Barbara Gomez -high school friend. Barbara is also another right brainer. She's the chef I've always wanted to be! Barb and I always end up laughing at inappropriate things at all the right times. I love how honest she is and how loving she is...she's always taking care of all of us, and making sure we're laughing. She's really going to bring out the creative and fun side of this wedding!
  • Bridesmaid: Cecelia Bribiesca -highschool friend. First off, Cecy is a great mother. I couldn't tell you how proud I am of how she's raised her little girl. Cecy mirrors me in many aspects, we think very critically and are very vocal about our opinions. She's very detail oriented and she knows what she wants. Cecy's going to be a big advocate for me...she's going to be great at getting me exactly what I want :)
So those are my girls. Each of them are so important to me and I love them all very much! See the pictures below. Each of them received a special FedEx box from me one morning that included a little card and a personalized tote bag.


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