Thursday, December 3, 2009

Cute as a Button!

Thanks to: Harvard Photography and JLDesigns

I saw this on the JLDesigns blog and just swooned. I know. I'm a goober. Totally love that they made a bunch of buttons that said "I love Karen," "I love Dave," and "Dave for president," etc. Such a quirky cute idea. I love that they were pinned to the napkins. I'm not sure if the linen people would appreciate this, but i think it'd be such a cute little addition to the table for some fun! I liked it so much I thought I'd toy with a button of my own with our wedding colors and a red heart.

All this can be done at -cute huh? Give it a shot. I'm not sure if I will add this to our own wedding, but food for thought!


Life's too short said...

Very cute. I really like the button you made! Hope you can figure out how to incorporate them into your wedding.

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